
Luis Fernandez Lopez, Ph.D.
Research Scientist at Florida International University
llopez at fiu dot edu







Please view Professional CV

Professional Preparation:

B.S. in Physics - Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo 1989
M.S. in Statistical Physics - Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo 1992
Ph.D. in Mathematical Epidemiology - Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo 1997



2006 on:

Associate Faculty - CIARA (Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment) of the Florida International University. Miami, FL, USA.

2003 on:

Chief Scientist of NARA (Núcleo de Aplicações em Redes Avançadas), the Center for Advanced Networking Applications at FMUSP. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

1997 on:

Assistant Professor - Discipline of Medical Informatics at FMUSP (Medical School of the University of São Paulo). São Paulo, SP, Brazil.


International League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Geneva, Switzerland.

1977 - 1982:

Journalist - Agence France-Presse. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.


Selected Publications/Presentations:

More than forty papers published in scientific journals and congresses. Five most cited:

Marcos, A. , Coutinho, F. A. B., Raimundo, S.M., Lopez, L. F. , Burattini, M. N., Massad,E.(2014). A Comparative Analysis of the Relative Efficacy of Vector-Control Strategies Against Dengue Fever. Society for Mathematical Biology. pdf

Marcos, A. ,Burattini, M. N., Coutinho, F. A. B.,Lopez, L. F. , Massad,E. (2013). Maximum Equilibrium Prevalence of Mosquito-Borne Microparasite Infections in Humans, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,Volume 2013, Article ID 659038 pdf

Massad,E., Rocha, A.F., Coutinho, F. A. B., Lopez, L. F.(2013). Modelling the Spread of Memes: How Inovations are Transmitted from Brain to Brain Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, 2013, no. 46, 2295 - 2306 . pdf

Massad, E., Coutinho, F.A.B., Burattini, M.N., Lopez, L.F. (2001). The risk of yellow fever in a dengue infested area. Transactions of the royal society of tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 95(3): 370-374.

Coutinho, F. A. B., Burattini, M. N., Lopez, L.F., Massad, E. (2006) Threshold Conditions of a Non-Autonomous Epidemic System Describing the Population Dynamics of Dengue. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 68, 2263-2282.

Burattini, M.N., Chen, M., Chow, A., Coutinho, F. A. B., Goh, K.T., Lopez, L. F., Massad, E. (2008). Modelling the control strategies against dengue in Singapore. Epidemiology and Infection136, 309-319.

Massad, E., Burattini, M. N., Coutinho, F. A. B., Lopez, L. F. (2003). Dengue and the risk of urban yellow fever reintroduction in São Paulo State, Brazil. Revista de Saude Publica, 37(4):477-484.

Lopez, L. F., Coutinho, F. A. B., Burattini, M. N., Massad, E. (2002). Threshold conditions for persistence in complex host-vectors interactions. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 325:1073-1084.

Synergistic Activities:


Principal Investigator of the Brazilian side of the project AmLight (America’s Lightpaths), co-financed by FAPESP and NSF (US National Science Foundation).


Member of the Ethics Committee of the FMUSP (Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo) - the Medical School of the University of São Paulo.


Member of the Board of NAIPPE/USP (Núcleo de Análise Interdisciplinar de Políticas Públicas e Estratégia da Universidade de São Paulo), Center for Interdisciplinary Analysis of Public Policies and Strategy of the University of São Paulo. Appointed Secretary to the board for a four years period.


Member of the Science and Technology Board of the Instituto de Pesquisas Eldorado (Eldorado Research Institute), in Campinas, SP). In March, 2007, appointed President of the Board for a two years period (renewed four times).


Co-Principal Investigator of the Project Caminho de Volta: A Brazilian DNA program for missing kids.


Principal Investigator of the Brazilian side of the project WHREN (Western Hemisphere Research and Education Network), co-financed by FAPESP and NSF (US National Science Foundation).


Principal Investigator of the project ANSP - an Academic Network at São Paulo (financed by FAPESP).


Program Manager of FAPESP (the State of São Paulo Science Foundation)  “Information Technology Program”.


Advisor to the Science Director of FAPESP (the State of São Paulo Science Foundation).



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