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NSF Award | #0418366, OISE | Americas Program
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Student Bios

Thomas Davis Backes is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research is in the study of nanostructures, such as quantum dots and crystal superlattices. He has worked and studied abroad several times, including most recently a summer research internship in Taiwan. Thomas’s future goals are to continue to work internationally and to become involved in science policy making.

Allwyn Baskin is currently a Ph.D. student at the Fielding Graduate University, which is based in Santa Barbara, California. Mr. Baskin holds an MBA in Marketing and an MA in Organizational Development and has extensive professional experience with private firms, government agencies and community-based organizations. His research interests include
intraorganizational diffusion of innovations and knowledge transfer, particularly among organizations involved in large scale social changes. Mario Leandro Bertogna worked several years in development for a private company as an analyst and project leader and now he is an assistant professor at the Universidad Nacional del Comahue. He teaches distributed systems and is in charge of the distributed systems and security lab. Since last year he has been working on several grid projects, most of them in inter-cluster computing. He is now applying for his PhD in this subject too. He is also working with a research group on remote labs.

Marcelo Ciappina: Recently obtained my PhD in Physics.I work in Atomic Physics, especially in Atomic Collisions. The main research subject I've studied is the modeled of collision dynamics, that consists of solve numerically the Schroedinger equation. On the other hand I've developed algorithms to compute the integrals
and special functions associated in the calculation of the collision cross sections. These subjects involve large amount of computations, so is essential to know and learn about new computational tools: programming languages, numerical paradigms, etc. and take advantage of the hardware developed recently to tackle this kind of problems: Pc's clusters, Grids, etc. I enjoy teaching at the University and listening 80's music.

Tiffany Driscoll earned her dual bs in physics and math from the University of Houston  May 2004.  During undergrad, I played both varsity water polo and for an all-star league and tried to run 2-3 triathlons a year.  I'm now doing my graduate work in numerical relativity at Louisiana State University, though I don't get out much I do enjoy spoiling my doggy rotten, pool, and darts...and of course swim like a fiend every chance I get.  In the future, I hope to either work for NASA or DOD doing research on black holes and gravitational waves.

Leonardo Daniel Euillades has worked in an engineering institute at the Engineering Department at the National University in Cuyo. He is a Computer Science engineer working with radar imagery, making topographic models, and is very interesting in algorithms development with parallel computing using cluster computing. His main research interest is develop algorithms for radar imagery and processing to calculate surface earth deformation in Mendoza, Argentina.

Richard T. French is studying for a Masters in Space Systems Engineering at the University of Michigan and currently work on grid computing for the UM-ATLAS project. He has worked on the NMI Grid Computing Software Suite as well as building cluster machines for scientific computing at the University.

Carlos García Garino is a Civil Engineer at the University of Buenos Aires. He has a Ph.D. in Computational Mechanics from the Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain. He is a Professor and Head of Department at Telecommunicaitons & Network Department, ITU, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, a member of Scientifical and Technical Staff of Argentinian Council for R+D activities, a referee and member of Evaluation Committee for Information Technologies of Argentinian R+D Agency (ANPCyT). He has more than 50 papers published in proceedings of and scientific journals and international conferences carried out at Argentine, Brazil, Chile, Canada, Spain, France, Portugal, Belgium and Japan. Along his career has visited different european universities, among them University of Liege (Belgium) and Technical Universities of Catalonia and Madrid in Spain. He is presently interested in High Perfomance Computing as well as Grid Computing. Two R&D projects are being carried out and presently granted by ANPCyT.

Amado Gonzalez founded the FIU Graphic Simulation Laboratory in 2000. This lab serves the purpose of conducting research in the diverse aspects of Scientific Visualization and Virtual Reality for the Engineering Center at FIU and for external sponsoring agencies, and provides advanced undergraduate and graduate students with an environment in which they can gain exposure and practice in the areas of Scientific Visualization, Virtual Reality, and Computational Science research. Through collaboration with the FIU Engineering Information Center, GSL members have access to an array of specialized equipment and support. He was also instrumental in obtaining 96 AMD Opteron processor Alienware machines for 48 node Computational Cluster located in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at the MAIDROC (Multidisciplinary Analysis, Inverse Design, Robust Optimization and Control Laboratory) at Florida International University. Amado Gonzalez was also a Tutorial Presenter for the Education Program at the SuperComputing Conference 2003, National Computational Science Institute. Amado Gonzalez, through hard work and determination was also able to aquire Access Grid Capabilities for the College of Engineering at Florida International University. This Access grid award was made possible by the Advanced Networking with Minority Serving Institutions (AN MSI) program. Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), AN MSI is program of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and the Education, Outreach, and Training Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (EOT-PACI). EOT-PACI is the outreach effort of the two NSF PACI partnerships: the National Computational Science Alliance (Alliance) and the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI). Amado Gonzalez is a founding member of the Minority Serving Institution Consortium, lead by University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, National Center for Supercomputing Application, under the leadership and direction of Stephenie Mclean. Under the Mentorship of Dr. Armando Barreto, FIU Electrical and Computer Engineering, he introduced the new course “Introduction to Web Design and Development.”

Eduardo de M. Gregores: His research activities started during his PhD on Emenentary Particle Physics Phenomenology, at São Paulo State University. Dutring this time, he spend one year at University of Wiconsin, working with Prof. Francis Halzen. After conclunding his PhD, he returned to the University of Wisconsin for a two year post-doctoral research on Particle Physics. By this time he started his participation on the DZero experiment at the Fermilab. He presently holds a scholar fellowship at São Paulo State University where he performs research activities on Grid Computing applications for Experimental High Energy Physics as a member of Fermilab DZero, and CERN CMS experiments.

Sergio Morais Lietti did his PhD at Instituto de Física Teorica da UNESP, Brazil, in 1998. He was a post-doc at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, U.S.A., at Instituto de Física Teorica da UNESP and at Departamento de Física Matemática do
Instituto de Física da USP, Brazil. He has published eighteen papers in the area of Phenomenology of Particle Physics. Since 2004 he is a member of the Fermilab D0 Collaboration and of the CERN CMS Collaboration.

Pedro G. Mercadante: Researcher Fellow at Instituto de Física Teórica, UNESP. He obtained his PhD in Physics in 1997 at University of São Paulo. Was a pos doc Fellow at University of Hawaii, Florida State University and University of São Paulo. During this period he worked as a phenomenologist in high energy physics, publishig 20 refereed papers. He is a member of D0 collaboration since July 2004 and is beeing involved in the CMS collaboration at CERN. He currently has a Jovem Pesquisador fellowship from FAPESP.

Esteban Mocskos: M.S. in Computer Science and Lecturer in the CS. Department. Currently teaching Algorithms and Data Structures I. My research fields are Parallel and Distributed Systems, High Perfomance Computing and Simulation of Physico-Chemical Processes. I've been taking several courses in Biology and Cancer in order to=20
apply High Perfomance Computing and simulation in these fields.

Surya Dev Pathak is a post doctoral research fellow at Vanderbilt's Physics and Astronomy department and is working on grid and storage related projects at the Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education (ACCRE) at Vanderbilt and is currently working on next generation storage elements for large scale grid computing clusters.

Santiago Perez is an electronic engineer and a teacher at the National Technological University in Mendoza. He teaches Computer Architecture in the Information Systems Department ( and He also conducts research in the LIREDAT (Laboratorio de Investigacion y Desarrollo de Nuevas Tecnologias en Redes y Comunicaciones de Datos), and is a project member and director (

Marcelo Ponce C. is part of the Field Theory workgroup at the Physics Institute in the Faculty of Sciences (Universidad de la Republica). My present activities are mainly focus on my thesis research duties which mostly includes works with numerical recipes, but I'm also very interested in the theorical issues involved, specially phenomenological and fundamental principles. I'm currently working with Rodolfo Gambini (who is my advisor) and Jorge Pullin (from LSU), looking for an implementation of numerical applications of his own formalism developed together J. Pullin et al. for a consistent discretization quantization method.

Pablo Turjanski: M.S. in Computer Science and Lecturer in the CS. Department. Currently teaching Algorithms and Data Structures I. My research fields are Grid computing, Parallel and Distributed Systems, High Perfomance Computing and Simulation of Physico-Chemical Processes. I'm a member of "Asociación Argentina Amigos de la Astronomía" (Friends
of Astronomy Argentine Asociation.


CIARA Florida International University National Science Foundation (NSF)


National Science Foundation (NSF) Florida International University CIARA CIARA Florida International University National Science Foundation (NSF) May 8-13, 2005 Hotel Park Hyatt Mendoza