Past Events

September 29, 2005 Meeting at iGrid

The first meeting of the Western Hemisphere Research and Education Network (WHREN) Roundtable was held in conjunction with iGRID and GLIF at CalIT2 (UCSD) on Thursday September 29th, 2005.


The agenda for the first meeting emphasized sharing information and identifying areas where increased collaboration can lead to better service to the R&E communities. Some simple examples include:

  • NOC information sharing
  • Resource information repository
  • Lists of key contacts
  • Early identification of projects needing specialized resources and support

seated from left: Zita Wenzel, Ana Preston, Heather Boyles, Fernando Muro, Michael Stanton, Garrett Yoshimi
middle row from left: John Silvester, Joseph Burrescia, Don Riley, Jim Dolgonas, Jerry Sobeiske, Steve Corbató, Jan Eveleth, Heidi Alvarez, Luis Lopez, Chip Cox
back row from left: Dave Reese, Tom West, Bill St. Arnaud, Carlos Casasús, Julio Ibarra



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